Blood Alcohol Content (and How It Can Affect Your Criminal Defense Case)


If you’re involved in a criminal defense case, and you’re undergoing court proceedings for driving while intoxicated (a DWI), or for a public intoxication charge, an important factor may be your blood alcohol content, or BAC. If your blood alcohol content is above the legal limit (0.08 percent in the Commonwealth of Virginia), the government will most likely try to use it as evidence against you in a court of law, and it can be a significant obstacle as you try to clear your name.

The legal consequences, if you are convicted of charges involving illegal blood alcohol content, are quite serious. For example, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a first-time DUI conviction is considered a Class 1 misdemeanor. If your BAC is 0.15 percent or higher-- which is .07 percent above the acceptable legal limit-- then your sentence could include mandatory jail time, no matter what your prior record is.  The potential mandatory jail time increases if your blood alcohol content is above .20, or for subsequent convictions.

 Naturally, this can permanently tarnish your record and provide huge inconveniences in your daily life. If you find yourself accused of any of these things, it is important to act quickly and carefully. Above all, it is imperative that you know your options and what the potential risks might be as you consider what legal recourse you may want to pursue. Fortunately, if you have a good criminal defense lawyer working with you, navigating this situation is merely tricky, not impossible.

The attorneys of Petrovich & Walsh can help you find ways to present your case that help minimize the potential negative impact of your charges and your blood alcohol content. Their track record indicates that they are ready and willing to tackle cases involving illegal blood alcohol content levels by using an intelligent and analytical approach and have been successful in doing so since 1994.

If you have questions regarding your DUI/DWI charge or want to set up a free consultation regarding your case, contact the law office of Petrovich & Walsh.


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